
Feeling Tired All the Time? Ask Yourself These 4 Questions

Are you feeling tired all the time and don\'t know why? Here are the 4 questions to ask yourself, because the solution may be a lot easier than you think. #sleepdisorder #sleepspecialist #sleepapnoea

SleepWise Clinic Geelong

SleepWise Clinic is the premier sleep clinic in Geelong, specialising in custom-made oral appliance therapy. Get in touch today! #sleepwise #sleepwisegeelong #oralappliance #sleepwiseclinic

The 4 Most Common Sleep Disorders (& How They're Treated)

Struggling from lack of sleep? You might be suffering from a sleep disorder. Here are the common sleep disorders and how they are treated. #lackofsleep #sleepdisorder #commonsleepdisorder #sleepdisordertreatment

Sleep Bruxism: 5 Ways To Stop Teeth Grinding During Sleep

Struggling with sleep bruxism? Excessive teeth grinding during sleep can really affect your quality of life, so here are 5 easy ways to treat your bruxism. #sleepbruxism #teethgrinding #sleepdisorder #sleepproblems

Ineffective versus effective oral appliances for snoring and sleep apnoea

[Dr David Cunnington]: So, amongst dental appliances, Harry, there are some that are adjustable and some that aren't adjustable, and some fitted by dentists and not fitted by dentist, so what's the difference between them? [Dr Harry Ball]: Yes, so there's a really big market for the what we call boil-and-bite, so it's a one-size-fit-all-type device which you can buy on the internet or in various stores. And the way they work, and I'll show you one of them. So, this is one from a large retailer. I won't mention their name, but they sell whitegoods and furniture, but they've now gone into the sleep apnoea area. To the Australian Sleep Association are quite concerned about a retailer treating sleep apnoea and the main problem is that they're selling a boil-and-bite one-size-fit-all appliance like this. [Dr David Cunnington]: What do you mean by boil-and-bite? [Dr Harry Ball]: Boil-and-bite. Yes, so what it means is that because you only get one go to get it...

The latest in oral appliance treatments for snoring and sleep apnoea

Hi, everyone. Ben here to give you an update on some of the latest treatments, technologies and research that exists in the world of obstructive sleep apnoea. Traditionally, CPAP was the major treatment for obstructive sleep apnoea but, as some of you out there may well know, they aren't, for some people, the easiest machines to get used to. A lot of people will not manage to use them for any particularly long time at all and will give them away and some people who persist with them will only manage to use them for a short period of the night and might not be able to use them enough to control their symptoms adequately.  The good news is that the latest research is showing us that custom-made oral appliances can be as effective as CPAP machines. So, CPAP these days is certainly still a really good tool for people with more heavy-duty sleep apnoea. A lot of people with more mild and moderate sleep apnoea and snoring issues can do really beautifully with a custom-made oral appliance ...

Ineffective versus effective oral appliances for snoring and sleep apnoea

A discussion with Dr David Cunnington, a sleep physician, and Dr Harry Ball from SleepWise Clinic.